@article{SciPostPhys.14.5.124,title = {A quantum theory of the nearly frozen charge glass},author = {Fratini, S. and Driscoll, K. and Ciuchi, S. and A., Ralko},journal = {SciPost Physics},volume = {14},issue = {5},numpages = {12},year = {2023},month = may,publisher = {SciPost},doi = {10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.5.124},url = {https://scipost.org/SciPostPhys.14.5.124},}
Long-range Coulomb interactions and charge frustration in strongly correlated quantum matter
@phdthesis{driscoll:tel-03626120,title = {{Long-range Coulomb interactions and charge frustration in strongly correlated quantum matter}},author = {Driscoll, Katherine},url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03626120},school = {{Universit{\'e} Grenoble Alpes [2020-....]}},year = {2022},month = jan,keywords = {Electron correlation ; Many body interactions ; Strongly interacting systems ; Exact diagonalization ; Monte Carlo MC method ; Electronic transport -Theory ; Correlation electronique ; Physique {\`a} N corps ; Syst{\`e}mes Compl{\`e}xes ; Diagonalisation exacte ; M{\`e}thode de Monte Carlo MC ; Transport electronique},type = {Theses},hal_id = {tel-03626120},hal_version = {v2},}
Pseudogap metal induced by long-range Coulomb interactions
@article{PhysRevB.103.L201106,title = {Pseudogap metal induced by long-range Coulomb interactions},author = {Driscoll, K. and Ralko, A. and Fratini, S.},journal = {Phys. Rev. B},volume = {103},issue = {20},pages = {L201106},numpages = {5},year = {2021},month = may,publisher = {American Physical Society},doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201106},url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201106},}
Mol. Cell
Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals that Rad4 Employs a Dynamic DNA Damage Recognition Process
Kong, Muwen, Liu, Lili, Chen, Xuejing, Driscoll, Katherine I., Mao, Peng, Böhm, Stefanie, Kad, Neil M., Watkins, Simon C., Bernstein, Kara A., Wyrick, John J., Min, Jung-Hyun, and Van Houten, Bennett
@article{KONG2016376,title = {Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals that Rad4 Employs a Dynamic DNA Damage Recognition Process},journal = {Molecular Cell},volume = {64},number = {2},pages = {376-387},year = {2016},issn = {1097-2765},doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2016.09.005},url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1097276516305226},author = {Kong, Muwen and Liu, Lili and Chen, Xuejing and Driscoll, Katherine I. and Mao, Peng and Böhm, Stefanie and Kad, Neil M. and Watkins, Simon C. and Bernstein, Kara A. and Wyrick, John J. and Min, Jung-Hyun and Van Houten, Bennett},keywords = {Rad4, Rad23, XPC, nucleotide excision repair, xeroderma pigmentosum, single particle tracking, dynamic DNA damage recognition, DNA tightrope assay, quantum dots},}